Friday, May 25, 2007

New Flag

A couple weeks ago I sent the SJ Union Club a nasty e-mail regarding the ratty torn up Canadian flag that they've been flying for well over a year.. It read:

If you guys aren't going to get a new flag, you should take that ratty thing down. It's disrespectful to fly a beaten up, torn apart Canadian flag from your building. I've been seeing it everyday for over a year flying there all tattered on one of Uptown's Main streets. If you can't afford the 20 or 30 dollars to replace it the least you could do is remove it.

Today I noticed a new flag flying proudly from their building.... coincidence????

I know... it's fussy and picky, and I should probably try to use my powers for good, but hey...this isn't a club of poor people we're talking about... so how about showing a little respect and a little pride? You know wha I mean?

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