Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Soo Cool

Ever since visiting Rick Mercer's blog, I have been doing the Photo Challenge on the Mercer Report website. Admittedly I've only done two, but it was so cool last night to turn on the Mercer Report and see... you guessed it the Photo I edited in Photoshop on the Show. The original photo was one of Gilles Duceppe playing basketball, and I downloaded it and then turned it into Gille Duceppe figure skating and holding Stephen Harper in a lift... I called it Balance of power... since the Bloc holds the Balance of Power in the house. Anyway, it actually made it onto the show last night and I was pretty happy about it. I supose if I had stayed at work a little later yesterday I would have known it would be on since they sent me a release form to sign and send back, but I went home early.

I was up in Moncton today picking Darrell up at the airport. His flight was delayed by about four hours thanks to the snow storm. I hadn't realized how bad it was until I got nearer to Moncton... glad it was them and not us.

I'm off to Halifax tomorrow and Cindy Day says it will be lovely weather... she better be right.

1 comment:

Gilbert said...

Way to go Blaine. I saw that clip and thought it was pretty funny! Keep up the great work!!!