Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Not much going on today. I have alot of work to do on a project I can't seem to get inspired about so I'm very easily distracted by just about everything, like updating blog entries etc. This is going to be one of those projects that is just excruciating in the the beginning and then eventually (Soon I hope) something will click and I will be going full steam ahead.

Aside from a lot of work to do, there isn't much else going on. I have to travel to Halifax on Thursday for my regular every three month check up with my transplant doctor and that's about it.

I noticed that Survivor is entering into it's death throws this year. They are splitting the teams into races this time around, ie White, Black, Asian, Hispanic. It's offensive on every level and causing quite a controversy which tells me they are very desperate for ratings. I'm not surprised, the show was really different and interesting the first season, but by the end of the third season I was over it, and even if I wasn't completely over it, Survivor Allstar definitely drove the final nail into the coffin. When you get right down to it, it's a very boring show.. it's a bunch of people camping and scheming. You can tell which team is going to lose the immunity challenge by which team's drama is featured most prominently in that episode. It's no wonder it's tanking in the rating, and they are so desperate to revive the poor dying thing that they are willing to piss off every special interest group in North America, just to get the show in the public eye again. They claim the reason for the races idea... too many complaints that minorities weren't well enough repersented on the show. Oh well, if nothing else they got people talking about them again (even posting on their blogs about it.) There's my contribution to the Hype ... Survivor R.I.P.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I watched two episodes of the first season, deemed it ridiculous and never watched it again. I've never been able to get behind 'reality' tv. Whose reality is it? Not mine. I'm too busy living my own life to watch someone's stupid idea of what living should be.