Friday, July 07, 2006

End of a Long Week

The week after a long weekend always seems so long for some reason. This one was particularly long all things considered.

I attended the visitation for Jamie on Wednesday evening along with Bertis and Brian and Helen. I've never actually been to one before so I didn't know exactly what to do. There were lots of pictures of Jamie all around the room mounted on big poster paper and in various albums, and then there was ther recieving line where you talked to the family and got to kneel by the coffin to say your last goodbyes. I never know what to say to someone in that instance.... I'm sorry seems really hollow... so I basically made light conversation about how I knew him and gave Kizzy a big hug. There were a lot of people there and the line was quite long so we didn't stay long after going through.

Thursday morning I rushed through a quick ad for Rogers and then attended the funeral. I've never been to Catholic service of any kind before that I can recall, so I really didn't know what to expect... and there seems to be a lot of user knowledge involved in Catholic services. I have nothing to compare it to, but was told by a few people that by Catholic standards it was a fairly modern and light service. The Padre said some very nice things about Jamie, and Bob and Stephen both did readings. All the Poll bearers came in wearing bright Hawaiian shirts and I teared up when I saw them... I think most people did. I didn't get to know Jamie as well as I would have liked to in the short time I knew him, but I know there will be a noticable void in the places he once occupied. No cast party is ever going to be the same and neither will any production. He was definitely a one of a kind original.

After the service Kizzy had a big BBQ back at their house. It was the kind of celebration Jamie would have really appreciated, except nothing accidentally caught fire. There was lots and lots of food and drink, and singing and reminicing. It was a really good time and I stayed way too late and drank way too much.... so work this morning is not such a good time.

I remember the last BBQ at their place... last Canada Day, when Jamie was trying to get the Fire in the pit going and ended up lighting the gas can on fire... and it was also the day he proposed to Kizzy. It's so unfair they didn't have more time together. I've always believed that everything happens for a reason, but when someone dies so young it's hard to think what that reason could be.

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