Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday June 9, 2006

About how much money did you spend on gas this week?
About Forty Dollars

What is your favortite brand of toilet paper?
I don't have a favorite, but right now we have a huge stock of Cashmere... when they changed the name from Cottonelle to Cashmere the superstore had a big so we stocked up and have enough toilet paper to last for a couple years. Providing of course that we don't ahve too many female visitors stay with us for any length of time.... I don't know what the hell you girls do with all the paper, but you sure go through a lot of it.

When was the last time you discovered something that you thought was pure genius?
I can't remember the last time I thought something was Pure Genius... more often than not I think "Of course.. why didn't I think of that? It seems so obvious now."

Main Course
What is the least amount of sleep you can get by on per night?
I used to be able to go all night and function on three or four hours of sleep, but now I like to get at least eight hours... I can still function on four if I have to.

June is a popular month for weddings. Do you know anyone who is getting married this month?
Not to my knowledge.



Great feast.
My feast is up too.

ribbiticus said...

whoa! that sure is a lot of toilet paper to keep in stock. but then again, just as you said, it'll probably only last a year if a lot of females come through your door - hahaha! my feast is up too! ;)

Unknown said...

I so agree with the main course and dessert! Mine is up!