Friday, July 20, 2007

Rainy Days

I generally like rainy days, but not pouring. Too bad Harry Potter wasn't released yesterday, because today would've been the perfect day to stay in bad with a good book. It was absolutely treacherous coming into work this morning. The MacKay highway is probably the worst designed road I have ever driven on when it rains. It doesn't have proper runoff in many areas and there are huge standing pools of water everywhere... it's terrible, the only thing worse than driving that highway during a rain storm is driving it during a rain storm at night, when the paint onthe road completely disapears and all you can see is a shiny black surface with no visible end or beginning. At one point coming into town I was going past a truck when he hit a huge puddle and showered so much water onto my windshield I was completely blind for about 3 seconds... yes very scary and extremely dangerous.


Lisa said...

Yes, it can be very scary driving in the rain on any part of the highway.

Blaine Le Roy said...

It's downright treacherous.