Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

We are back to full steam ahead. February is usually a really slow time and it takes a little while before everything fires back up and we are going on full throttle again, but we are just about rightback up there. I have one very big animation project to take me through May as well as one smaller one that is due very soon. Add to that several new Rogers Tv Listings ads, and I'm back to being busier than a one armed paper hanger.

The weekend was beautiful.. finally. It was nice and sunny and we were able to wander around without coats on. On Saturday we popped into the grand opening of Brunswick Nurseries.... for a grand opening there weren't a lot of deals to be had. We went with the intention of getting a truck load of topsoil for the front flower bed Darrell built last year, but even though we called ahead, they didn't have any when we arrived. So that really spoiled the mood of the grand opening for us and we wandered around a little then left. I descided to go Garden center cruising so I headed into the McCallister area and started off at Kent. Unfortunately I was silly and brought my car instead of the truck.... and wouldn't you know it... there were things I wanted. So I headed back out to the house, where Darrell was busy working in the back yard clearing out all the old dead rotting trees that had been cut and left laying around. I got the truck and headed back to Kent and bought three new fruit trees (like we needed more fruit trees... we already had 7). I got a Nectarine (which was already in bloom), and apricott, and a peach tree that has to be at least 10 feet tall... all for $30 each. When I got home Darrell was getting ready to cut down a couple dead birch trees in the back.. so while he was cutting trees down in the back I was planting new ones in the front. I'm sure that every bee from Rothesay to Baxters Corner will be zeroing in on that Nectarine tree since it's about the only thing in bloom for miles.

Sunday I went to the production meeting for Crucible... somehow I ended up being the sound guy for this show as well. Someone else was lined up to do it, so I thought I was off the hook, but it turns out she couldn't do it, and there was no one else available. I was really hoping to have the spring and summer off so we could do yard work and maybe even just take off if the mood struck for the May long weekend, but between theatre and work that doesn't look it will be in the cards. I just hope I have enough time outside of work to be able to do a good enough job on Crucible, I would hate like hell to let the cast and crew down.
* Sidebar.... I hope people don't start seeing me as the "Sound guy" because it's very close to what I do for a living, and I don't want to start potentially not be considered for Parts because the director already has me cast as "Sound Guy".

Monday the weather sucked, so did Tuesday. Nothing really exciting happened Monday, it was back to work as usual. We are still doing the smoothie breakfasts and it has been going great. They really do give you a nice big boost in the morning. We've been experimenting with all kinds of different recipes. A really good one, was half a mini Watermelon, half a pint of Frozen Strawberries, 1 banana and a handful of green grapes....If you use frozen strawberries you don't have to use ice. As always we also add a tablespoon of flax seeds to all the recipes. Flax seeds are high in Omega 3 fatty acids as well having lots of antioxidents. They help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and lots of other super good for you stuff. It does mean you have to use a big straw and occasionally get little seed to chew on, but worth it in the end. We figuredou tthe cost of doing fruit smoothies for breakfast everyday and it works out to about $2.50.... that's a pretty cheap breakfast.

Tuesday night Darrell had to go to the movie theatre with the camera for Film Pix, so we stayed and watched the movie. It was a documentary called "Why do we fight", about America's culture of war. I found it really interesting, but didn't learn many things I didn't already know from other similar documentaries... the new information I got from the show only served to make me feel frustrated and angry (which is the whole idea). The really frustrating part is to watch something like that and then turn on the news and see that our current government is desperately trying to go in many of the same directions. here's hoping the other parties get it together and kick that gonad Harper out of the governing seat before he does too much damage. Personal note to mister Harper: Lower the damn flag and show some bloody respect you bastard! When someone dies in service of this country it is the very least you can do and it doesn't cost anybody anything to do it.

That said, today is a gorgeous day, and hopefully we will get away from work early enough to enjoy some of it.


Kristy said...

Hey Blaine,
Love the updates. Wish I were more proactive about my own blog. I guess I feel like I have to keep putting pics on and so that deters me from writing. You have once again inspired me so I shall give it another go. I hear ya about the healthy eating, been trying my best as well. Darren has lost 20 pounds and I have lost 7. Mind you, he is training for marathons and runs almost everyday (yuck!). I'm sticking to Pilates. Good luck with the fruit trees. Kelly and I are gowing plant buying next weekend. I can't wait.

Lisa said...

It was nice seeing you last night! ^_^ I'm so glad we were all in Happinez at the same time.