Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Long Weekend!!

What a nice long weekend. We got alot of stuff done around the house that really needed doing. Darrell go the huge mess I made downstairs building the aquarium stand completely cleaned up and reorganised. Gregg Hemmings Dropped by and gave us a hand to move the huge 130 gallon tank out of the back of the blazer and down into the basement. Now I will be making a huge mess building a nice built in cabinet in the recroom for the big tank to live on.

Sunday was Kizzy's awsome Canada Day BBQ. Lots of fun people and good food. Darrell had to work for Rogers that day so he couldn't make it over, but I partied hard enough for both of us. I baked some pies to take over, and when I popped home to let the dogs out, I loaded up on some firewood so we could all sit around the fire and sing with the guitars. It was tonnes O fun!!

Monday we took it easy. I did some cleaning. Brian and Helen came over later in the evening and we BBQ'd some hamburgers and hotdogs then sat around watching a marathon of "Next Design Star" on HGTV... the Miami Hunkmachine David ultimately won. It's nice to have friends pop over who can just hang out and watch TV and you don't feel like you have to entertain. I was up a little late last night to see the end because I had already invested all those hours on the other shows I wasn't about to go to bed without knowing who ultimately won. I must've slept wrong on Sunday because yesterday and today my neck has been super stiff. Hopefully some stretches will fix it up. I have a pretty busy week ahead getting ready for my summer camp next week, and preparing everything for our "pilot" shoot up in Moncton on Saturday....please let there be sun.


Lisa said...

It certainly was a great party. I wish we could do that sort of thing more often. It was all pretty laid back... What time did you end up leaving?

Blaine Le Roy said...

I got home around mindnight ish. Anthony, Chris, and Sabine were still there when I left, dancing up a storm.