Friday, July 06, 2007

Busy Morning

I spent the majority of the morning catching up, answering messages, and trying to get the things on my end together for tomorrow's shoot in Moncton. This pilot idea is the first time I've had this much to do with a project, I basically created the show from scratch... came up with the idea, wrote the script, did a little concept designing of the look of it, and will now be off to shoot parts of it tomorrow. Thomas Daigle has translated everything into french and will be hosting the french version of the show while I do the english. the company has rented a van and Darrell and Mike have everything together for tomorrow... so exciting. I hope I don't forget something crucial because that would suck.

Also, my summer camp starts next week, so will have a week straight of very busy mornings. I found a great website called and it has lots of short funny poems that appeal to kids. I printed off a tonne of them and have permission from the author Kenn Nesbitt to use them in the class. The kids in the camp will get to pick the one they want to use and then we'll do a sesssion in the recording studio to have them recite their poem of choice. After that it's story bording time and the animation work begins. It's so great to have material already ready instead of trying to get them to write something because we only have a week and that's not alot of time in the world of animation. Thankfully these poems are short and sweet and the kids should have a finished product at the end of the camp.... also so exciting.

If the summer stays this exciting I may just explode.

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