Tuesday I stayed home and worked on my aquarium stand canopy. I tried really hard to sleep in and catch up on my rest, but couldn't. I'm too overtired to sleep... or at least sleep in. Darrell had a shoot up in Fredericton so while he was there he stopped into the aquarium stores and got some live rock, a pacific Blue Tang, and two Nemo Clownfish. So now the tank has two Clarkii Clowns, two Nemo Clowns, and the Tang. The Mollies went back to their home at Village Pets on Wednesday. Later on we discovered that a little gobbie was hidden inside the live rock, unfortunately all the new additions etc caused a bit of an ammonia spike in the tank and in the middle of the night the gobbie jumped out. We found him dried up on the floor the next morning.... so sad. I don't know exactly how he did it either, we have a grate over the tank at the moment until we can get the canopy finished, but he must've been skinny enough to skoot right through the hole.
I taught my class at six, and had three students. Two of them were new and a couple of my others couldn't make it, so I found myself starting over with the new ones and doing something new with my regular. Then it was off to rehearsal for Dance review. Dance review was so helpful and productive... it was exhausting as all hell, but super productive. Jenn video taped the numbers then played them back from her laptop projected onto the back wall, so we could all see exactly where things were working and exactly where things needed to be cleaned up. It made a world of difference to Willkommen (which is the opening number and needs to be super strong because it sets the pace and tone of the entire show).A strong opening number pulls the audience in immediately and keeps them involved, if you don't get them right away then you spend the first half of the show constantly trying to get their atttention and hold it, and that's no fun for anyone. At any rate people obviously left the dance review and did some home work, because last night's rehearsal was pretty damn good. The energy was high, the sass was better... and the director was happy (hard to accomplish but always a good thing when it happens) So happy in fact that we now have a deal, tonight we run the second half of the show, then tomorrow night we run the full thing (some sponsors may be present) and if it goes as well or (hopefully) better than last night well all take Saturday off..... can you imagine....a full day off.... and an actual weekend too... so like a full full day. Couple that with the fact that Sunday's rehearsal doesn't sart until five and it's almost a weekend. Calgon take me away.
See the pretty fishies:
Cool fishies!! I like the new pic of you too...though with the new haircut it doesn't look a thing like you :-P
My sister's boyfriend has a wolf-fish (?) that gets out of its tank all the time. He's got a big rock on it now. Good thing those type of fish can survive on land for a few hours!
Too bad about the Gobbie. How scary for him!
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