Friday, August 18, 2006

Friday Feast August 18, 2006

What color is your car?
I drive a dark Blue Olds Alero, that I purchased last year from Al's Ultracar, specifically so I could be inthe cast of Evita without spending a tonne of money on gas in Darrell's Blazer driving back and forth to rehearsals.

If you could wake up tomorrow with full training in another occupation and a job in that field, what would it be?
I would return to the field I left when I developed leukemia... Music. I would love to wake up tomorrow and have full musical training in piano, guitar, voice.. you name it.

How many times in your life have you had the flu (or something similar)?
I've had Cancer twice.. I don't pay attention to flus and colds.

Main Course
What is something that has happened to you this week that you didn't expect?
Nothing really unexpected happened to me specifically, But Saint John Theatre Company announced their plans for their new building this week, and although that wasn't unexpected the total on their funding drive so far was... they are over half way to their goal of $950,000.00. It's very exciting for everyone involved in theatre and the arts in this area.

How old were you when you had your first kiss?
That's a tricky question. If we're talking innocent peck between two blushing kids.. I was probably about 7 or 8 with Debbie from down the street (I don't really remember). First time making out, I don't exactly remember that either, it may have been at Deanna's Party in junior high, or on a band trip. Being that I'm gay, it all felt fake to me anyway, so that could be why it's not that memorable. My first actual "passionate kiss with intent" was when I was 16 and working at the Double Day Mini Market, it was with the guy who worked int he aprts department of the Ford dealer next door... whose name I won't mention for privacy reasons. (and no he doesn't still work there)


Anonymous said...

oh my, I choked on your salad. Hope it'll remain in remission for you. Forever!!

My feast is served.


Great feast but like Wystful1, got almost choked with your salad. Hope everything's going fine with you.
Mine's served too.

ribbiticus said...

i'm sure you were a wonderful performer. hope you beat the big c at last! will pray for you. dining late but at least i got my feast up finally. ;)