Thursday, August 03, 2006

Forcast calls for more Shovelling and Raking

Last night we got another load of topsoil delivered to finish off the side of the house. So the next nice day will be spent shovelling, and wheelbarrowing, and raking, and raking, and seeding. The back looks really good now, there are still a few very small bare spots but they will fill in on their own. we may have to get some more sod to do the incline, so that the toorent of rain and fog that consitute our summer this year don't wash the topsoil away before the grass has a chance to take root. We're hoping to stretch this load so that we can seed in around the cedar trees as well.

We are also considering shortening our driveway this year, and turning the part directly in front of the house into lawn. We are going to have Rob come by and scrape it all down and widen it in a few places. Then we'll put down a good weed barrier and some compacted sand. Then we're considering pouring our own concrete bricks to pave it with. Down the road we intend to build a garage and the driveway will change locations so we don't want to have the existing one paved. It's way too expensive for something that isn't intended to be permanent... so the brick idea is most apealing. They can be taken up fairly easily when the time comes and used for something else.


Lisa said...

I can't wait to see it! We'll have to pop out some day to check out all the work you've done. ^_^

Blaine Le Roy said...

Yeah... we'll have to have a gathering of some sort in the near future.