... A love seat.
One major problem with all the rain... it ends up costing us a lot of money.
There is no shortage of projects at home for us to complete, in fact since we've bought the house our lives have been about going from one project to the next at home. It's a very new house, and there's nothing wrong with it (ie major problems or fixer upper things), but as any home owner knows.. the projects are always there. There will always be tasks and things you want to do and improve and change, and it is never ending right up until you no longer live in the that house. So we have a thousand and one projects we can tackle, unfortunately we only have materials and stuff in place for a couple and almost all of them were outside projects.....
That is how the rain ends up costing us money. Darrell had an indoor project he could work on, unfortunately it was a metal work project which meant him bogarting the workshop all weekend.. so I couldn't work on the wood mouldings for the bedroom (which is the other indoor project that we have materials etc in place for). Some projects for me presented themselves however. Mike and Kathy gave us their old couch and chair as well as a couple end tables and a Tv stand, and Connell and Lynn gave us their old loveseat a while back (it's the one that matches the couch I recovered last year). We moved the end tables and tv stand into the spare room downstairs... put the dresser in the closet, moved the bed over, and brought the loveseat in as a place to sit.. now that room looks more finished than any other room in the house. I made a trip to fabricville and found some really nice deep red fabric for the loveseat and will now have a great rainy day project to work on. Since Darrell bought a big air compressor a while back I figured I would make reupholstering easier and bought an airstapler at sears. Last time I used a hand hald staple gun and had to go over all the staples with a hammer after each seam.
Of course now that I have rainy day projects in place... the sun decided to return. That's Murphy's Law... but I'm not bothered by it in the slightest.. I'd be perfectly happy to not get to the loveseat until the fall (which is when I had planned to do it in the first place).
Wanting to take advantage of the sun, we got right to it when we got home from work yesterday. I cut the grass (which was no small feat) and Darrell got the weedwhacker out and conquered the big stuff. We'll have to redo the lawn again very soon as it was so long and wet that it's starting to pop up all uneven now. We also got one of the flower boxes assembled and the area mostly dug out...but by then it was 10 o'clock and time to get the tools cleaned up and put away for another crack at it on the next sunny day.
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