Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday Feast June 16, 2006

What is a word that you use that would not be considered common?
Skookum - I didn't realize it was a British Columbia Specific Word until I moved to the East Coast. It's a Chinook Jargon Word that means big and mighty. Chinook Jargon is the trading language based on the language of the Chinook Indians with words mixed in from French, English, Salish, nootka and toher local tongues. In daily language it's used to describe something sturdy. Ie: I bought a soft shell guitar case that has a really skookum chunk of foam in it for support.
Learn more about the word Skookum

What theme of calendar do you have on your wall this year?
Labrador Retreivers... every year I have Labrador Retreivers

Name 3 people you speak with by telephone a regular basis.
My Grandmother, My Mother, The Bonds

Main Course
If you could buy a new outfit for someone you know - who would it be and what would you purchase for them?
Darrell - I would buy him a pair of casual pants and a nice shirt

What is the last beverage you drank?
I am currently drinking a coffee. (Yes I know I quit drinking coffee but lately have had the occasional one.)



Nice feast. Mine is up too.

Unknown said...

great calendar.. mine is up.

Anonymous said...

I like your appetizer.

Come dine with me, my Feast is served.

Pittchick said...

I love labs! They're the best dogs. Happy Feast.

Mama Duck said...

I tried to quit with the coffee too. I learned a new word, thanks....
This is my first time doing the feast, what fun!

SkookumJoe said...
