Holy crap the gym was busy today. I usually go at 2 to avoid the rush, but lately the bikini rush has been in full swing so there is no real slow time. Lots and lots of ladies desperately pounding the treadmill and the eliptical trainer so they can rock that sexy new two piece on the beach. Not that any of them will probably take the baggy t-shirt off that they have covering it, but as long as they're looking in the mirror congratulating themselves for their sucesses and not critisizing the places they still need to work on ... more power to them. Then it's off for 15 - 20 carcenogenic minutes fake and baking on the melanoma machine to get that nice base skin damage that everyone is looking for. I have to have a slight rant here because ... for christ's sake people everybody knows about skin cancer and how to prevent it. It's not a state secret. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A "HEALTHY" TAN!!!!! Sun damage is cumulative (that means it builds up over time) so every little burn in the past and all those highschool summers spent laying out in the sun covered in baby oil all count toward the future. And take it from a two time cancer survivor... life may be the longest thing any of us does, but it's too damn short to suffer treatment for a disease that you can prevent.
Maybe when Justin Timberlake's balls finally drop and he pays someone to bring sexy back he could encourage hollywood to make pale sexy again. The ancient Greeks had the right idea.
...... All bow and worship the diva that is Rose McGowan... She rocks the pale!!

*End rant*
It will be nice when the gym slows down again in the next couple weeks and I'm sure all those ladies will return in January to try out their New Years Resolutions. Now if I could stick to my resulution to get my diet in order. I know all the theory it's the practical I'm falling down on, and I can run a mile and half every day and work out a specific muscle group each day and do 200 crunches... but if I don't start eating breakfast and bringing a lunch my body is going to go into starvation mode and that belly fat aint going nowhere!!
1 comment:
I generally avoid the sun, but every 5 years or so, I do get a tan. The whiter I get, the more visible all of my veins etc. are in my face and neck. So, every 5 years...
I don't get the tanning bed thing. Not only is it unhealthy, but the leather look is only attractive in a sofa, not a person.
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