We had a very busy and expensive weekend. I finally got the aquarium stand designed and plans layed out to build it, so we started this weekend. We're doing it out of solid oak so it is quite expensive. So far I've done the rails and styles for the doors, the drawers and am doing the drawer fronts tonight. I have the boards to laminate together for the top and have to pick up a 1x6x4 to do the door panels. I did them this weekend but F&^%ked them up (Expensive mistake). I glued them togther and then tried to plane them down to thickness, which is the wrong order.... sadly I knew this, it's just been so long since I did an actual woodworking project I forgot... won't happen again. I build a model of the stand in 3d studio so I could get all the joints and measures all worked out before ever buying a piece of wood. Then I broke the model apart and rendered out each area, put my measurement on the images in Photoshop and printed off perfect diagrams of exactly what needs to be done. Sure beats the hell out of sitting at a drafting table. It's quite possibly a little more complicated, but in 3d studio I can work at exact scale and not do any conversion math, and since I use it everyday it's kind of like writting to me.
Here's a render of what the finshed project will look like:

I'll post a photo of the finished product in however long it takes to actually build it.... so now the pressures on to make sure I do it right, because I've shown you what it will look like, so it better turn out that way...hahahaha.
The funny part is the stand is going to cost about 3 times what Darrell's uncle paid for the actual aquarium... but what the hell it will be a custom made solid oak piece of furniture, so it won't cost anything near what it would cost to buy it already finished.
Hi Blaine. Sorry to hear about your aquariam stand expense! I'm sure it'll end up as gorgeous and everything else you build! Also sorry to hear you didn't get the part you wanted in Cabaret. However, I'm sure you'll be FANTASTIC at the part you have. I would love more than anything to see you on stage one day. If I somehow stumble across a bunch of $$ I will buy a plane ticket to come see a show! Thanks for all the nice comments you leave on my blog:)
Looks like a fun and ambitious project! Can't wait to see the final results! :-)
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