Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday February 23, 2007

Where on your body do you have a scar, and what caused it?

I have several. I have a scar under my left arm from where my gland was removed when I was six because it had a cancerous tumour on it. I received radiation on it and the entire should has never developed so I am lopsided and my left arm is about 2 inches shorter than my right. I have a scar behind my left ear, where another cancerous gland was removed whan I was 8 years old. I have two scars across my pubic area from an operation for undescended testicles caused by cancer treatment. I have a scar on my chest from the hickman cathetor that was inserted when I was 27 and about to have a bone marrow transplant to cure the leukemia I developed in adulthood (probably as a result of my cancer treatment as a child). I have a scar somewhere between my ass and balls for a reconstructive urinary track operation to correct a stricture that closed off the entire channel. And I have a scar or two on my soul from the general nastiness of the world today.

What is something that has happened to you that you would consider a miracle?

Read the appetizer again.... I'm alive today. Believe me it's against all odds.

Name a television personality who really gets on your nerves.

Donald Trump. With so many talented, artistic, and creative people in the world, why does this self absorbed, concieted, pompos, arrogant, jackass get to be on TV?

Addendum: Have to ad Martha Stewart and Debbie Travis... both arrogant, condescending Bitches!

oh yeah... and George W Bush! Everytime that idiot opens his mouth I can hear the entire collective IQ of North America Drop a little more.

Main Course
What was a funny word you said as a child (such as "pasketti" for "spaghetti")?

I don't think I said any funny words... when I was six I could say Malignant Histiocytosis... so there wasn't a lot of cutesy talk in my world.

Fill in the blank: I have always thought ______ was ______.

I have always thought I was meant to do something important. (I just wish I knew what it was so I could start doing it.)


Anonymous said...

Wow. Congratulations on all your scars. Winning the battle!!!

jenny said...

I share in your dessert, too. I think everyone who's survived and still lives is here for a reason! I even mentioned that today in my soup, concerning my son. But I am more and more thinking that the greatness of life is just a sum of seemingly insignificant things. And maybe the important thing I do is not so important to me, and I do it and I didn't even know it was important.

Okay a bit too philosophical, maybe, but there you go. :-)

Unknown said...

Scars on the soul! I think all of us have 1 or 2 of those..what a great outlook you have. Cant wait to read more of your blog one day

Ingrid said...

That's the saddest Menu I have read today. My god what an awful childhood you must have had !

Melli said...

Oh my! Funny, as I was reading your appetizer I THOUGHT "he should have saved THIS for his miracle"... you are truly BLESSED to still be here! God must have BIG plans for you -- and you may be fulfilling them without EVER knowing what they are! (and that was my thought about your dessert!) GREAT FEAST!!!

Blaine Le Roy said...

I had a very good childhood actually which is a testament to my family. Normal is only what you know, and you'd be surprised how strong a person can be with no other choice and the support of people who love them.

Jane said...

You have been through a lot, it is a miracle you are still here. God bless you.
Thanks for coming by my feast today. You are welcome to my table anytime.

Sincerely Iowa said...

Great feast today!

Congratulations on still being here!

Thanks for visiting my blog, btw!

Raggedy said...

I am sorry for all you had to go through but I am glad you are here to tell about it. Your courage and stength amazes me. Thank you for sharing your story.
Great Friday Feast!
My feast is served.
Have a wonderful day!
(")_ (")Š

Anonymous said...

You are truly blessed and all of us have a purpose in this life. I'm sure you will find out what yours is soon. :)