Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday January 12 2007

What comes to mind when you see the color orange?
I think of warmth

Did you ever get in trouble while you were in school? If so, what was it for?
Which time? I had a tendency to not take everything I was being fed at face value and often challenged the teachers to justify things, which was at times disruptive. I remember once having to write an oppinion essay for grade 11 English. It could be about anything I had a strong oppinion about, so long as it was structured well. At the time I was working at a corner convenience store and was training a new guy who was getting a's in grade ten math, but had to be taught to work a cash register and count back change (The tills didn't do all that for you back then), so I wrote my essay about how the school system is neglecting to give people basic life skills for survival in the workforce. It had an introduction, body, and conclusion; contained no spelling or grammar errors, and was slightly over the word count requirment... but the teacher didn't like the subject and graded the content instead of the construction. I ended up in the Vice Principal's office and my Grandmother was called, and a whole big thing ensued... it was rediculous.

Which topping(s) make up your perfect pizza?
Ham, Pineapple, Feta Cheese, Black Olives, and extra cheese

Main Course
Do you believe in UFOs/aliens/etc.? Why or why not?
Absolutely. UFOs are just Unidentified objects in the air, usually top secret government test planes. I dont' think we're being visted by advanced alien civiliazations, but I don't discount the possibility either.
There are other civilizations in the universe, it only makes mathematical sense. One of the things we've learned on Earth is how tenacious life is here, even in the most inhospitable places on the planet there is life. Volcanic vents at the bottom of the ocean spewing molten material in an oxygenless environment still support life forms, so it's pretty clear that anywhere life can take hold it will.
Then start doing some math, if just one in every billion stars had a solar system, and just one in every billion of those solar systems has planets that could support life, and just one in every billion of those planets actually does support life, and just one in every billion of those supports intelligent life (by our definition)... then the number of inhabited planets would still be too high to quantify.

What color is your bedspread/comforter/quilt?
Our bedspread is actually a duvet so it's white, but the current cover on it is large horizontal stripes of three different shades of brown microsuede.


Shawnee said...

Oh, how I wish schools would have mandatory Life Skills classes!

Heart of Rachel said...

I love how you equated orange with warmth. Very nice interpretation.

What an interesting experience you had in school.

Thanks for sharing your feast.