Thursday, December 21, 2006

Three chocolate doors to open

Only three doors left on my chocolate calendar. I got all the shopping done last night and my bank account is now suffering the damaging effects of rapid weight loss.
I still have a little sewing and a lot of wrapping to do before I'm all done, but basically nothing to stress out about.

The big question today is to tip or not to tip. Generally I tip the Mail Carrier at Christmas time, but we no longer get mail delivered to our house, it all comes to a box down at the end of the Road on the other side of the Highway. I'm leaning toward no tip since I have to travel to pick it up and I've never actually seen the person who delivers it. At the office however, it's a different story. That guy comes right in and drops it off and he even bring cookies for the dogs everyday... so needless to say he's getting a card with a $20 bill enclosed. Do most people still give their mail carrier, paperboy, or garbage man a card with a small gratuity in it, or is that a lost tradition? My feeling is, I always tip the person who occasionally delivers food, so shouldn't I occasionally tip the person who always delivers mail?


Dre said...

In my nearly 10 years in my apartment I've never seen who delivers our mail.

Blaine Le Roy said...

Yoo're on our street, so youprobably have the same guy who comes to our office with the Dog biscuits... he's a really nice guy.

Lisa said...

We always tipped the paperboy when I lived at home, but I've never tipped the mailman. It does make sense though...

Anonymous said...

As a former paperboy in my earlier years I loved christmas time after all my hard work all year. I usually scored VERY well. So I believe in it. Never see my postman and am not leaving money in the lobby of my building. Did tip him one yr. Tipped the cleaning lady at the office she is pretty nice; tipped the Kim and Val at Javamoose as they treat me great and work had; tipped Vicky who cuts my hair; garbage but mum growing up tipped the milk delivery dude and the laundry man, both who came to our home.
Happy New Year!