Thursday, November 02, 2006

Getting Better

I'm feeling alot better today. Still stuffy and sniffley, but not all dragged out and generally yucky like the past two days. I really should have taken yesterday off too, but couldn't justify it. I looked awful. Lately when I get sick for some reason the area around my eyes gets really dark like a racoon. It's something in the past couple years, but nothing my doctor has any concern about. Just not getting the rest required for this body which is a lot older than it used to be and doesn't bounce back as easily. Apparently it only gets I've got that to look forward to. YAY.

I did manage to get a bunch done yesterday, despite the cold. I've got a long way to go..... and a short time to get there. (Couldn't resist)I think I'm okay for time as long as nothing large, surprising, and immediate comes through the door. Although with Christmas ads starting there's a good chance I'll be bogged down pretty soon.

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