Monday, May 01, 2006

Monday Again.

Back to the grind. It was a such a beautiful weekend. We did a lot of yard work. In total we ended up getting 14 loads of fill and have two more on the way today to fill in one more big hole by teh cedar trees and smooth everything out. I did some raking in the back to event hings out, but then we decided to get a couple more loads, and I abandoned the task. No sense raking out the dozer tracks only to have him drive over it again.

I got a copy of Cabaret on Dvd from Future shop and watched it Friday night. It's a great old movie... nothing at all like the play, but still very entertaining. Once upon a time time Liza really did have a spectacular voice. Today... not so much.

Saturday we got a pickup load of garden soil from Brunswick Nuseries and finished the front flower box under the bedroom window. I got a nice big Juniper for at Kent to plant at the end, and it looks awsome there. We dug up all the plants from the flower bed below the living room window and moved most of them to the new flower box. We took the leftover gardne soil and piled it up in the rocky area by the well pipe and I moved the big bushes from the front flower bed there. The dogs got to go to the lake for swim. Berits and the Bonds came over that evening and we BBQ'd hamburgers and had a few drinks.

I also did laundry saturday and for the first time this year, was actually able to dry it all on the clothes line.

Sunday was another day for yard work and playing in the sun. I came into town for a production meeting fro Crucible at 12, and left at 12:15 when noone showed up. I discovered today when I read my e-mail that the meeting was at 1. I forgot to tell tammy that we cancelled our home internet bacause there doesn't seem to be any rush to get highspeed in our area, and we just can't justify paying as much as we do for dial up. High speed is all around us, but hasn't arrived and everyone we talk to at aliant and rogers seems to indicate that it isn't going to in the near future either. Their loss... whoever get's it out to us first is going to get all our business.... TV, telephone, Cellular... you name it.

We drove up to Sussex to Sun Nurseries to have a look around. There was lots of really nice trees and shrubs. It's still to early for most places to have a lot of annual and perennials yet. Now that the sun is out, I feel like shirking all my responsibilities and just goofing off. I won't but I feel like it.


Dre said...

The production meeting was at 1:00 on Sunday. That is the usual time for production meetings. We just had to move it back an hour the other week to accomodate someone's schedule.

That being said, this week coming up, we once again have to move the production meeting to 12:00. I believve after that, we should be back to the regular 1:00 meetings.

Lisa said...

I love "Cabaret!" Nice choice. I watched "Rent" on the weekend, including a very interesting documentary included on the special features.

Blaine Le Roy said...

I haven't got Rent yet, but am planning to pick it up. It's funny Darrell didn't like Rent at all, but wants to watch Cabaret. Go figure. I've had Willkommen going through my head ever since. I have to buy the original cast recording so I can listen to it in the car and get it out of my brain.