It was a very busy weekend and I'm not all the way recovered yet. Friday was Saint Patrick's Day, but I was busy with sound for Sight Unseen. The show finished and I was out of the theatre by about 10:30, but was pretty wiped and didn't want to deal with lines, cover charges, and people who had been drinking since noon... so I just went home. The Uptown was a zoo of people when I headed out, so I was kind of glad to avoid it.
Saturday was the matinee show, followed by the final evening performance. Both went very well. There wasn't a large Matinee crowd, but the evening crowd was the largest of the run. I very nearly had a flawless run, right up until near the end of the final show when I miscued a Sound Effect and accidentally started the Kettle whistle when it should have been the tape rewind sound. I caught it right away and jumped to the right sound but it was too late by then. Oh well, if you don't screw up at least once what are people going to razz you about at the cast party? We broke down the set in what seemed record time for such an intricate thing, and the party started somewhere between 11:30 and Midnight. It was a fairly quiet party as far as SJTC cast parties go, but it was a really good time. Dre Loaded some really nice music onto her ipod and it played in the boackground all evening... it was there but not overpowering so we all had an oportunity to talk without having to raise our voices which was refreshing. It wrapped up a little after 3am. Darrell spent Saturday morning finishing his install of the dog door and met me at the party around twelve thirty. Elton and Tiff now have their own access to the back deck. He put it right through the wall and out to the deck. This spring/summer we are hoping to get in some fill and level out the back more, then fence off an area and build stairs down off the deck into it, so the dogs will have their own yard and they can come and go as they please.
Sunday we had so much catching up to do around the house I couldn't get out to help with the load in... sorry guys. We moved more stuff back into the bedroom, even though we haven't put up the moulding yet. We priced Maple and it runs about 3 dollars a foot, so we are thinking maybe we'll just buy some nice pine and stain it instead. Three dollars a foot for moulding isn't really in the budget. We eventually want all the moulding to be nice wood as well as all the interior doors and trim. We got a new Barbeque since our old one has pretty much had the biscuit, and found a really great sale on a Router table that included a plunge router. We already have a router (on semi-permanent loan from Connell) but it's nice to have two, that way you can use one freehand and leave the other as part of the table.
Monday was back to the grind. I believe I'm finished with Universal's project though I haven't heard for sure yet, there's always a chance they could require a sudden change to it. I was in super store after work and checked my blood pressure on their machine. I know those machine aren't super accurate but they're usually pretty close. Everything was good, so it looks like giving up the coffee is working out. It's the cyclosporin that is articifially raising my blood pressure so until I am finally off it, I can live without coffee. I don't really miss it and I've been discovering all kinds of exotic flavours of herbal tea. I haven't picked a favourite yet, but so far peppermint and Honey Lemon are fairly high on the list.
Today looks like it's going to be a fairly easy going day, so we may even slip out early. Tomorrow night I have plans to go to the theatre with Bertis and see HMS Pinafore... that should be a really fun show. I hope there's a musical coming to the SJTC line up soon..... wink, wink, nudge, nudge, hint hint hint. Something with more than three characters, and some nice big production numbers.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
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Actually - I was having some static issuew with my ipod, so Stephen put in a couple of CD's - first some Bowie (I think) and then the Moby CD that we'd used for the show.
Either way, it was nice background music
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