Wednesday, January 25, 2006


So far the only advice I have found for my trees is "Not really anything you can do, but keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best." I think the danger part is probably past anyway. There is a layer of snow on the ground to insulate the roots if there is a sudden freeze or ice storm. We're supposed to get more snow to ad to it today, so I'll just have to see what happens in the spring.

I thought I couldn't possibly live with a Stephen Hitler Government, but now that the results are in I think I can live with it as a minority. It looks like a win win situation for voters. We have a change, there will be reforms, the Librals will be shopping for a new leader (probably Frank McKenna if any of them have two brain cells to rub together), The NDP will be able to effect policy, and Stevie has the Power he craves but not enough to inflict his ultraconservative right wing bible banging views on the rest of us. With our parliamentary system set up the way it is, a minority government situation is actually the closest thing we can get to a real democracy in Canada. Hopfully no one does anything stupid and sends us back to the polls for awhile, because I couldn't stomach another elect in the near future.

Darrell and I (mostly Darrell) spent the weekend searching out a break in some wires. When we had the installer from the alarm company out last year he drilled through the floor and nicked a couple, causing our fridge outlet and our dining room heater to go out. We didn't know about the heater until recently. We did manage to find the breaks though and yesterday Darrell bought a connector box and some new wire and fixed them up. We also got a $100 credit from the alarm company.

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