Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I must be really wicked

So they say no rest for the wicked... well I must be super wicked then. I really thought things would slow down a little after Evita and the Move. If anything they just got busier.
One minute we're moving.... having a huge housewarming party (the cathetor really did come in handy for that, but I'm glad it's gone.) Then the next thing you know...a tonne of work projects flouded in out of nowhere. Not to mention I promised to do sound for the Theatre Companies production of the Sunshine Boys. I thought doing something backstage would be less of a time and energy commitment than being on stage... I was mostly right, but not completely. It was a really fun thing to do though, and the Imperial Theatre has a state of the art computerized sound system that scared the hell out of me. I was terrified to touch anything, so basically stuck to the buttons Malcolm showed me. The rest of the time I did a lot of leaning over and reaching and generally looking like I was doing something. The sound guy is actually down in the audience so people could see me.
No sooner had we wrapped that project and gotten over the hangover from the all night and a little into the next day cast and crew party, than we got a new client at work...... and they wanted animation. Not just flying text either. I'm talking a scale model of the west side of Saint John, displaying new proposed roads etc etc. .... Unfortunately they needed it yesterday, but couldn't get me the stuff I needed until tomorrow... if you get the picture...... lots of lost sleep and two all night work sessions later I managed to get it all done, only to have them come back with another project just like it.
They really loved the first one, so descided to do another. Not on the West side though... this time over on the east side in the old ship building yard. So I'm building a whole new part of the city, and you guessed it they needed it yesterday, and yes this is my second all nighter. God I love this job. (the scary thing is..... I really do)

Well I just thought I'd jot that down since I haven't really posted anything here is a very long time. not that I've had the time.... Til next time........


Heather said...

Blaine, babe, please forgive me all the rude comments I was thinking, whenI *thought* you'd given up blogging after that second post - I obviously need to do something about the shortcut I use to check your site, 'cause it didn't pull any of the new ones. Had lots to read tonight, though!

Glad you enjoyed your on-stage and off-stage performances (and I don't think anyone has a right to cut something apart unless they're qualified, by doing something exactly similar already themselves!) Piss on critics, anyways.

Congrats on the new home, and the obvious success of a go-for-broke move-out-clean-move-in marathon - every time I've ever moved, it was massively disorganized (no matter the lead time), and things were (are!) still in boxes several years later.

Other great memories triggered, for no apparent reason: Pee Spot #3 on the trans-Island drive.

Blaine Le Roy said...

To be honest... peespot number three is close to the best part of the entire trip out to Tofino.... witht he exception of Longbeach itself... for entirely different reasons.
There are tonnes of really neat places onthis side of the Country too...hopefully this summer we will actually see some down time to go explore some more of them.

Heather said...

Good luck (no sarcasm implied) - seeing the rest of Canada is high on my list of 'as soon as I can afford it, hopefully sometime before I die' goals - not the cities, because I'm convinced they're all the same - but the little villages and wide-open spaces and northern reaches. Mom and Dad spent quite a while touring the Maritimes a summer or two back, and brought home some amazing photos and stories. Being so attached to my 'roots' here is both a comfort and a regret - I'd never make the big move you did, and reap the new opportunities.

Heather said...

ps - never mind waiting to see some downtime - book yourselves some uptime to do it! "Pay yourself first" counts for more than money, y'know!

Blaine Le Roy said...

I just might have to do that. I'm keeping my fingers crosses and every other thing I can think of to cross etc, that my Mom gets the job she interviewed for on Monday. It's doing tech work for West jet..... One of the big perks she flys standby for free (so do her children and parents)...... I think it's the perfect job for her... she's always had that freespirited adventurous, not afraid to pull up stakes and try new places thing going on... and I think she passed it on to her kids. Therefore a job that aloows and promotes rambling around not just for yourself, but also those who inherited your wayward genes is a perfect fit. So I'm sending the universe all the positive stuff I can hoping she gets hired on. That way I can see her more... and I can see evrybody more so long as live in the vicinity of anywhere West Jet Flys.....hehehehe

Christa Giles said...

Quick question: when did you two share a peespot??


Blaine Le Roy said...

Back in the day......
Way back when I lived on Vancouver Island (not so way back really).
My ex and I went for a camping adventure and only stopped to pee in scenic locations. (takeing pcitures as we went.)
When Heather and Toby came to visit the three of us retraced the route.

Heather said...

From the sound of your trip to the sweltering south, Sis, it was like the rocks-river-slide area you spoke of - three distinct kinds/colours of rock (slaty-smooth-grey, swirly-smooth-browny-red, and lumpety-milky-jadey-green - cold water, spots to sit and slide in (too chilly for us, if I recall), but all kinds of wonderful climbing-about activity. The beach itself left me cold (literally - too cold to enjoy, not enough interest in sky/surf/horizon to overcome the temperature) - and I learned to not share a bit of my hotdog bun with a seagull unless I wanted to share ALL of them with ALL the seagulls!

Blaine Le Roy said...

It never ceases to amaze me how one tiny crumb tossed casually to one lone seagul on the beach can result in a swarm of feathers and squacking. There was one lone bird, and none to be seen for miles, then suddenly the beach was full of them.

Heather said...

Hmm... an observation, but also a metaphor? As in the spreading-ripples-in-a-pond, or equally as in the notice one thing, and suddenly you notice that you've been surrounded by the same things, just haven't noticed before... well, okay - that's stretching it.